Steam Yam cake

Guess what’s the taste like ? Haha….of course it is YUMMY!! (with full supervision from a teacher)
Ingredients :
1 yam, cubed, 5 cloves garlics
(A) Mix Well 1 packet blended rice flour, 2 tbsp tapioca flour
Water Seasoning – salt, 5 spieces powder, sugar to taste
Garnishing – shallot crisp, dried prawns crips
1. Heat oil and sauté shallots and dried prawns (separately) till crisp. Dish out and set aside.
2. Saute garlic with remaining oil, add in yam and stir-fry till fragrant.
3. Mix in water and bring to boil.
4. Add in mixture (A), cook batter becomes thick.
5. Pour out batter into a greased tray to steam (30minutes).
6. Once yam cake is cooled, add garnishing and serve with your favourite sauce (I use sweet black sauce from the market).

Oooh, my mum loves this! Thanks for another cooking blog, so i can think of what to cook from you all. :)
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